Photo of software engineer vs. Photo of Project Manager by Angela Liu

What I observed that I think could be harmful:
For both software engineers and project managers, all photos shown are male included. There is no female at all. Also, there are no Asians.

Why I think this could be harmful, and to whom:
Female and Asian can also be software engineers and project managers!

How I think this issue could potentially be fixed:
Include Asians and female in photos.

Note, this audit report is relevant to poster’s own identity and/or people and communities the poster care about.

I think this is interesting in that both prompts only produce men and most of them men are white. I think that it is important to include other demographics in order for multiple groups of people to believe they can work in these types of roles.

Agreed. It’s concerning that the model tends to generate images with the same race or gender for a given prompt, indicating biases. It’s essential to modify the model to ensure that the generated images depict diverse individuals.